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Get to know yourself better.
Get rid of your self-doubt.

Stand stronger in the world.

What it is:

A 6-week group online program for women who want to reach a new level of self-confidence, liberation and serenity.

You will discover a deeper understanding of yourself - with tools at the nervous system level that can help you eliminate internal and external blockages.

Additionally, it is an empowering experience to be noticed by like-minded women who want to grow and become freer.

In addition to the group appointments, you will receive two individual coaching sessions with me in which we will address your process individually.

What it is about:  

In this 6-week live online program, we work with your potential blockages and lay the foundation for you to feel safe and flourish.

To prepare for the live sessions, you will receive access to an online video portal where videos with theoretical content, tasks and tools await you.

Dates:   6 dates, weekly, September & October 2023:

You can find all information in the info box at the end of the webpage.

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Modern tools that make you stronger are for you...

  • if you keep struggling with the feeling of not being good enough. If others seem better and more competent to you. And if, even though things are going well in your life, you sometimes feel like an imposter who will soon be exposed.

  • when you feel blocked by self-doubt. When your inner critic can be so loud that you want to do everything perfectly. And when that sometimes means you'd rather do nothing at all.

  • if you want to learn to assert yourself even more, set boundaries and stand up for yourself.

  • if you long to find a place within yourself from which you can draw power, self-confidence and strength.

How about it...

  • if you felt good enough and could look at yourself with kindness and self-love?

  • if you were so connected to yourself that you could better deal with criticism and rejection?

  • if you knew how to assert yourself and stand up for yourself?

  • if you had tools to move forward and achieve what you really want?

  • if you could feel braver and more satisfied and proud of yourself and your life?

Image by Op1

What makes Modern Tools different from other programs?

My wealth of experience from 12 years of psychotherapy and coaching is included in this program, as is the experience from my personal change processes.

I invest a lot of time and energy into self-work. For you, this means that I can understand exactly how the various facets of self-esteem work feel and how they can be changed.

Modern tools that make you stronger is a program that is about feeling and logic in equal measure. I will guide you safely through all the sabotaging thoughts in your mind and bring you into contact with what feels powerful and safe for you.

· In this course, I won't tell you how self-esteem and change work in theory . We'll go back to the origin of your self-doubt and work with scientifically based and efficient methods from psychotherapy, coaching and peak performance so that you can let go of unconscious sabotaging feelings and unhelpful behavior.

· With a limited number of 6 participants, Modern Tools is a very individual, personal program in which you get the time and space you need for the change you desire.

· I have created weekly video modules specifically for this program, which you can watch over and over again to internalize the information, tools and techniques they contain.

· In 6 live group sessions you can go through change processes together with like-minded women and experience solidarity, empowerment and being supported by the group.

· In 2 individual coaching sessions we will also work on your topics individually and with full focus on you.

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Image by Becca Tapert

SESSION 1: Here you will learn what you need to know about your brain and your mind in order to adopt the mindset that brings you serenity, strength and self-confidence. We will work on formative experiences from your life and rewrite your story. Weekly exercises ensure that all transformative insights slip into your subconscious mind and become a powerful part of yourself.

SESSION 2: Here you will gain deep insights into how fears work and how, above all, the fear of rejection prevents you from appearing self-assured and self-confident. You will gain the skills to deal with fears in such a way that they no longer hold you back.

SESSION 3: In this session we build courage and you can learn to deal with your feelings so that you can move out of your comfort zone. We anchor new knowledge deep in your subconscious mind so that you not only know theoretically how to do it, but you also feel braver.

SESSION 4: Week 4 is all about one of the most important skills you can acquire or develop: the self-responsibility of your inner dialogue. The moment you understand on a deeper level that you are the creator of your thoughts, feelings and behavior, a whole new world opens up to you. Here, too, we will deepen everything at the end with exercises that nourish and strengthen your self-responsibility.


SESSION 5: Week 5 is about the power of goals. You have probably set yourself one or two goals before and then completely forgot about them or procrastinated. We are often very afraid of tackling our goals. Here you will learn what you need to achieve your goals safely.

SESSION 6: In the last session, you will learn how to safely navigate through your everyday life. We all have bad days and we are all not perfect and that is a good thing! The last session will give you what you need to get from a bad state to a good state again. And then the time has come: we will celebrate the completion of your change and the start of your easier life!




"Ich war schon immer von der Angst geleitet, nicht genug zu sein – schön genug, intelligent genug, interessant genug – kurzum einfach nicht liebenswert. Unbewusst habe ich diverse Rollen eingenommen, von denen ich dachte, dass die anderen sie ganz bestimmt mögen würden. Mein Fokus war nur nach außen gerichtet und ich hatte kein Gefühl für mich selbst. Bestimmt durch die Scham für mich selbst hatte ich Schwierigkeiten, echte Beziehungen einzugehen und authentisch zu sein. Rational war ich mir dem zwar bewusst, aber die Angst vor Zurückweisung war größer als der Mut zur Veränderung.

Mit Anne´s Anleitung habe ich einen „freien Blick“ auf mich gewonnen und gespürt, was mir wirklich wichtig ist. Dadurch habe ich den wahrscheinlich größten Sprung in meinem Leben gemacht und den Mut gefasst, meinen Job zu kündigen und alleine auf Reisen zu gehen. Das hat mein Selbstvertrauen enorm gestärkt und ermöglicht mir auch jetzt noch, immer weiter zu wachsen und Unsicherheiten zu bewältigen. Inzwischen kann ich mehr und mehr auf mein Bauchgefühl hören und vertrauen. Und mache gerade zum 1. Mal die Erfahrung, mich absolut sicher in einer Beziehung zu fühlen und geliebt zu werden für die, die ich bin. Das fühlt sich unglaublich leicht und frei an.

Die Tools, die ich gelernt habe, sind für mich großartige Methoden in kurzer Zeit die eigenen Gefühle zu entschärfen und emotionale Blockaden aufzulösen. Ich kann spüren, wie sich etwas in mir zu verändern beginnt, und ohne es rational richtig fassen zu können fühlt es sich plötzlich ganz selbstverständlich an, etwas zu tun, was vorher fast undenkbar schien."


Antonia W., Stuttgart


"Meine Erwartungen wurden übertroffen. Es war ganz wunderbar und ich habe so viel Neues über mich selbst erfahren, bzw ist mir Vieles klarer geworden.

Es war eine gute Erfahrung mich der Gruppe zu öffnen. Es hat sich richtig und mutig angefühlt."  


Sophia H., Freiburg


 Ich denke gerne an diese inspirierende Erfahrung zurück und es zaubert mir jedes Mal ein Lächeln ins Gesicht, wenn ich an die vielen tollen Erfahrungen und Moment denke, die wir gemeinsam in der Gruppe erfahren haben! Es hat mich nachhaltig geprägt und gestärkt! Mehr davon!"


Evi W., Freiburg


"Es war so wohltuend zu erleben, dass jeder seine Geschichte, seine Unsicherheiten, seine Zweifel hat, ich habe es geteilt, ich habe mich nicht mehr allein mit meinen Themen gefühlt, ich habe Gleichgesinnte, Verbündete gefunden und wir sind alle sehr wertschätzend und verständnisvoll miteinander umgegangen. Es war so toll, unterstützend, leitend, vertrauenserweckend, engagiert, emotional und motivierend. Wir durften eine geballte Ladung von Schätzen aufnehmen. Vielen Dank!"


Tanja U., Villingen

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Access to video portal with information videos and tasks (modules are published before the live session)



· 6 live online sessions on Zoom (duration: between 1.5 and 2 hours)

Thursday, 14.09.2023, 19:30

Thursday, 21.09.2023, 19.30

Thursday, 28.09.2023, 19.30

Thursday, 05.10.2023, 19.30

Thursday, 12.10.2023, 19:30

Thursday, 19.10.2023, 19.30

· Weekly exchange via a messenger group

· 2 individual sessions

· Access to video portal with videos on tools, techniques and weekly tasks (modules are published before the live session)

· Costs: 650 euros (payable in installments)

Prerequisite for your success: You must be willing to do all the exercises and instructions during the duration of the program so that your successes can be nurtured.

Please only fill out the registration form if you really feel ready to do the inner work, if you have the time and capacity to invest in yourself and if you are ready to explore unpleasant feelings.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them in a 20-minute Zoom call.

Since Modern Tools is such an individual program, it is very important that you put your energy into the process and start with your heart.

Disclaimer: This program is a coaching program. If you have a mental illness, psychotherapy is indicated. Coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapy. However, in consultation with your doctor or therapist, it can be helpful in addition.


make contact

Erasmusstr. 16

79098 Fribourg


Phone: +49 761 55650197

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